Table: editions

62890Mick Swithinbank2021-02-132021-02-13Transposed down a minor third. Source: Madrigals to five voices, selected out of the best approved Italian authors by Thomas Morley, pub. Thomas East, 1598.258777I think that, if the hills (Alfonso Ferrabosco I)I think that, if the hillsAlfonso Ferrabosco I2023-09-16 08:12:20

Table: files

62890.2Ferr_IThink.mxl62890internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:12:20
62890.1Ferr_IThink.pdf62890internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 53CPDLA442023-09-16 08:12:20