Table: editions

62876Mick Swithinbank2021-02-132021-02-13At the written pitch. Source: Madrigals to five voices, selected out of the best approved Italian authors by Thomas Morley, pub. Thomas East, 1598. The composer's name is given as Horacio Vechi.320659Deh, dimmi vita mia (Orazio Vecchi)Deh, dimmi vita miaOrazio Vecchi2023-12-31 19:38:56

Table: files

62876.2Vecc_Life.mxl62876internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-12-31 19:38:57
62876.1Vecc_Life.pdf62876internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 52CPDLA442023-12-31 19:38:57