Table: editions

56038Volker Seibt2019-11-242019-11-24Edition from the autograph at "Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - PK". In the autograph, the notation in bar 8 in the bass is a little unclear. Maybe at beat two the note can be sung an octave higher. For the second stanza, on beat one, there is clearly a half note in the lower octave. In contrast to Eichendorff, Fanny Hensel writes in the second stanza "öffne" instead of "öffnet".223797O Herbst, in linden Tagen (Fanny Hensel)O Herbst, in linden TagenFanny Hensel2023-09-16 08:44:58

Table: files

56038.1O_Herbst.pdf56038internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 67Creative Commons Attribution Share AlikeA422023-09-16 08:44:58
56038.2O_Herbst.mxl56038internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:44:58
56038.3O_Herbst.ly56038internalsourcesource2LilyPond{{Ly}} 2023-09-16 08:44:58