Table: editions

53878John Hetland2019-04-052019-04-05Source: ''The Medici Codex'', ed. Edward E. Lowinsky, 1968. Notation here is a major third higher than the original with note values halved. Translation, text underlay and editorial accidentals by John Hetland and the Renaissance Street Singers. 3 Apr 2019213390Corde et animo (Jean Mouton)Corde et animoJean Mouton2024-01-13 13:46:10

Table: files

53878.3Mout-cor.mxl53878internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2024-01-13 13:46:10
53878.1Mout-cor.pdf53878internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 665CPDLLetter72024-01-13 13:46:10
53878.2Mout-cor.MID53878internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2024-01-13 13:46:10