Table: editions

49755Rolf Harkes2018-05-212018-05-21{{ScoreError|In measure 5, soprano should have B flats, not D flats; in measure 27, tenor should have A flat, not A natural; in measures 35 and 39, alto should have G natural, not G flat.}}4114The long day closes (Arthur Sullivan)The long day closesArthur Sullivan2024-04-07 02:51:34

Table: files

49755.2The_long_day_closes(Arthur_Sullivan).mxl49755internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2024-04-07 02:51:35
49755.1The_long_day_closes(Arthur_Sullivan).pdf49755internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 92Creative Commons AttributionA442024-04-07 02:51:35
49755.3The_long_day_closes.ly49755internalsourcesource2LilyPond{{Ly}} 2024-04-07 02:51:35