Table: editions

48542Paul Grady2018-01-242018-01-24This piece takes about half the time of the *chanted* Vidi Aquam (which is fairly long and can leave the celebrant standing at the altar for quite a while, waiting for the choir to finish the repetition of the antiphon). Despite the multiple-voicing, the piece is fairly easy to learn and sing.189152Vidi aquam (Paul Grady)Vidi aquamPaul Grady2023-09-16 08:32:39

Table: files

48542.2Vidi_Aquam_(Paul_Grady).mxl48542internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:32:39
48542.1Vidi_Aquam_(Paul_Grady).pdf48542internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 234CPDLLetter42023-09-16 08:32:39