Table: editions

44157Andreas Stenberg2017-04-222017-04-22The singing voices are printed in score in the original pitch as is the harpsicord intavolation and the lute setting wich is printed in the original italian tablature and in a transcript to French lute tablature. If sung with either as preludes, interludes or accompaniment the voices scould transpose and sing a fifth lower. You can get a transposed score for the voices and scores with harpsicord or lute belowe the voices by downloading the Lilypond source file and uncomenting certain parts of the source file before compiling it with Lilypond.162835Il suon di cornamusa (Felice Anerio)Il suon di cornamusaFelice Anerio2024-01-21 14:46:13

Table: files

44157.4No-11-Felice-Anerio-Il-suon-di-cornamusa.ly44157internalsourcesource2LilyPond{{Ly}} 2024-01-21 14:46:13
44157.3No-11-Felice-Anerio-Il-suon-di-cornamusa.mxl44157internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2024-01-21 14:46:13
44157.1No-11-Felice-Anerio-Il-suon-di-cornamusa.pdf44157internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 678CPDLA482024-01-21 14:46:13
44157.2No-11-Felice-Anerio-Il-suon-di-cornamusa.mid44157internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2024-01-21 14:46:13