Table: editions

43708Barry Johnston2017-03-222017-03-22Note heads in four-shape format, as originally published. This three-part version is from William Moore's ''Columbian Harmony'', 1825, titled ''Solemnity''. Words by [[Isaac Watts]], 1717, paraphrase of Psalm 92, Part 1, with seven stanzas. In Moore's version, as in Johnson's, the song starts with the second stanza of Watts' paraphrase. All seven stanzas included.160422Devotion (Alexander Johnson)DevotionAlexander Johnson2023-09-16 08:55:53

Table: files

43708.3DevotionJohnson1818a.mxl43708internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:55:53
43708.2DevotionJohnson1818a.mid43708internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 08:55:53
43708.1DevotionJohnson1818a.pdf43708internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 62Public Domain7 x 10 inches (landscape)12023-09-16 08:55:53