Table: editions

43402Mick Swithinbank2017-03-032017-03-03This edition is based on the edition by Arnaud Saint-Antonin, with a few changes of ficta (although incorporated in the score rather than being indicated as editorial) and many changes of underlay. It is also pitched a tone lower than the Saint-Antonin edition.117867O Virgo Virginum (Pierre de Manchicourt)O Virgo VirginumPierre de Manchicourt2023-09-16 09:17:33

Table: files

43402.2Man_Ovir.mxl43402internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:17:34
43402.1Man_Ovir.pdf43402internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 114CPDLA4132023-09-16 09:17:34