Table: editions

41612Barry Johnston2016-10-292016-10-29Re-barred and converted to 6/4 time. Oval note edition. Converted to two staffs: original Tenor becomes Soprano, up one octave; Medius becomes Alto; Cantus becomes Tenor, down an octave; and Bass remains. A total of five of Kethe's stanzas included.139305My soul, praise the Lord, speak good of his name (Thomas Ravenscroft)My soul, praise the Lord, speak good of his nameThomas Ravenscroft2023-09-16 10:00:32

Table: files

41612.3Psalm104Ravenscroft1621bprxm.mxl41612internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 10:00:32
41612.2Psalm104Ravenscroft1621bprxm.mid41612internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 10:00:32
41612.1Psalm104Ravenscroft1621bprxm.pdf41612internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 83Public DomainLetter12023-09-16 10:00:32