Table: editions

39952David Millard2016-06-062016-06-06Untransposed edition of the original print with full editorial commentary. The source is the 1597 print of the Cantiones Sacræ. The MIDI file is a minor third lower than the written music. Corrected and revised edition uploaded December 31, 2017.9776Cantate Domino a 5 (Hans Leo Hassler)Cantate Domino a 5Hans Leo Hassler2023-11-06 14:17:44

Table: files

39952.3Hassler_Cantate_a_5.mxl39952internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-11-06 14:17:44
39952.1Hassler_Cantate_a_5.pdf39952internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 83PersonalA482023-11-06 14:17:44
39952.2Hassler_Cantate_a_5.mid39952internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-11-06 14:17:44