Table: editions

39089Jeffrey Quick2016-03-292016-03-29This is a recomposition of the Gloria from Rheinberger's Op. 62, in order to fill textual lacunae which make it unfit for liturgical use. With the exception of assigning the words "Gloria in excelsis Deo" to the priest, and the retexting of "Tu solus Altissimus", Rheinberger's music is intact, but is filled in with material developed from Rheinberger's. Music8769Missa Puerorum, op. 62 (Josef Rheinberger)Missa Puerorum, op. 62Josef Rheinberger2023-09-16 10:04:06

Table: files

39089.3Rheinberger_Gloria.musx39089internalsourcesource2Finale 2014{{F14}}(Finale 2014)2023-09-16 10:04:06
39089.2Rheinberger_Gloria.mxl39089internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 10:04:06
39089.1RheinbergerQuickGloriaF.pdf39089internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 124Creative Commons Attribution Non-CommercialLetter42023-09-16 10:04:06