Table: editions

36335John Hetland2015-07-292015-07-29Source: ''L. Compère: Opera omnia,'' ed. L. Finscher, CMM, 1958-72. Notation here is a fourth higher than the original with note values halved. Translation, text underlay and ''musica ficta'' by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. 29 Sep 2007116693Crux triumphans (Loyset Compère)Crux triumphansLoyset Compère2024-03-24 22:39:49

Table: files

36335.3Comp-cru.mxl36335internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2024-03-24 22:39:49
36335.1Comp-cru.pdf36335internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 895CPDLLetter82024-03-24 22:39:49
36335.2Comp-cru.MID36335internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2024-03-24 22:39:49