Table: editions

36167John Hetland2015-07-192015-07-19From Rore's second book of motets for five voices, 1545. Our source: ''Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia,'' ed. Bernhard Meier, CMM, 1959. Notation here is a tone higher than original with note values halved. Translation, text underlay and ''musica ficta'' by John Hetland and the Renaissance Street Singers. 27 Jun 2013.116181Domine, quis habitabit (Cipriano de Rore)Domine, quis habitabitCipriano de Rore2023-09-16 10:06:37

Table: files

36167.2Rore-domquis.MID36167internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 10:06:37
36167.1Rore-domquis.pdf36167internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 1121CPDLLetter82023-09-16 10:06:37