Table: editions

35921Jean-Marc Piel2015-06-282015-06-28Bar lines were not present in the original edition of the score. They have intentionnally been added in this edition at some particular places so as to match french language stressing and to make interpretation of french text easier for people used to modern musical notation.115305En son Temple sacré (Jacques Mauduit)En son Temple sacréJacques Mauduit2023-09-16 09:22:44

Table: files

35921.3En_son_temple_sacre.mxl35921internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:22:44
35921.2En_son_temple_sacre.mid35921internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 09:22:44
35921.1En_son_temple_sacre.pdf35921internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 37CPDLA442023-09-16 09:22:44
35921.4En_son_temple_sacre.nwc35921internalsourcesource2Noteworthy{{NWC}} 2023-09-16 09:22:44