Table: editions

35513John Hetland2015-05-232015-05-23Source: ''L'Arte Musicale in Italia'', ed. Luigi Torchi, Vol. I, G. Ricoldi & Co., 1897. The Soprano is derived from the Tenor I by: ''Canon Fuga trium temporum in Diapason; Resolutio ex Tenore.'' We have raised the notation a minor third, halved the time values and standardized the spelling of the text according to the Vulgate Bible. Translation, emendations (see end), ''musica ficta'' and text underlay by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. 7/23/98113721Ecce tu pulchra es (Gioseffo Zarlino)Ecce tu pulchra esGioseffo Zarlino2023-09-16 11:05:39

Table: files

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35513.3Zarl-ecc.mxl35513internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 11:05:39
35513.1Zarl-ecc.pdf35513internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 687CPDLLetter52023-09-16 11:05:39