Table: editions

32893Ross Jallo2014-09-082014-09-08Original key; note values halved. Editorial accidentals and slurs added. This version with organ accompaniment is based on the work as presented in the Byrd Edition XI, which is based on both pre-publication manuscript sources and an organ accompaniment from around 1630; its final "Amen", however, is taken from ''[[Songs of sundrie natures (William Byrd)|Songs of sundrie natures]]'', with the organ part altered accordingly. It is therefore not compatible with either edition with viol consort accompaniment.4729Christ rising again - Christ is risen again (William Byrd)Christ rising again - Christ is risen againWilliam Byrd2023-09-16 07:41:16

Table: files

32893.1Byrd_-_Christ_rising.pdf32893internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 298CPDLLetter182023-09-16 07:41:16
32893.3Byrd_-_Christ_rising.mxl32893internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:41:16
32893.2Byrd_-_Christ_rising.mid32893internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:41:16