Table: editions

30887Mick Swithinbank2013-12-312013-12-31This edition has different ficta to the Vierendeels edition (even more E flats could conceivably be added than here), and maintains the original note values. In the source, the name Clément has apparently been erased, so that the work might possibly be by another composer called Morel (Nicholas, Jenin or yet another), according to the Royal Holloway Early Music Online website.59723Tota pulchra es (Clément Morel)Tota pulchra esClément Morel2023-09-16 09:32:46

Table: files

30887.2Morel,_Tota_pulchra_es_a4.mxl30887internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:32:46
30887.1Morel,_Tota_pulchra_es_a4.pdf30887internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 44CPDLA442023-09-16 09:32:46