Table: editions

30734Mick Swithinbank2013-12-072013-12-07Source: Il quinto libro delle laudi spirituali a 3 & 4 voci del Reverendo P. Francesco Soto (name of compiler), published Baldini, Ferrara, 1598, Folio 46-47. As the canto secondo is nearly always pitched higher than the canto primo, the secondo appears as the top stave of the score.95574Perche lasciasti (lauda) (Anonymous)Perche lasciasti (lauda)Anonymous2023-09-16 07:06:49

Table: files

30734.3Lauda,_Perche_lasciasti_a4.mxl30734internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:06:49
30734.2Lauda,_Perche_lasciasti_a4.mid30734internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:06:49
30734.1Lauda,_Perche_lasciasti_a4.pdf30734internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 36CPDLA432023-09-16 07:06:49