Table: editions

30599John Hetland2013-11-242013-11-24From the Eton Choirbook (MS 1490-1502). Our source: Collected Works, volume 2, edited by Edwin B. Warren (volume 17 of ''Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae''), American Institute of Musicology, 1964. We have raised the original notation a tone and halved time values. The ligatures of the MS are not indicated in the Warren edition. Flats in the MS (C naturals here) that are also in the key signature are given here in parentheses. We have imposed regular bar lines and inserted rests at the ends of some sections to compensate. Translation, text underlay, emendations (see last page) and ''musica ficta'' by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. 1/5/97.95179Salve Regina (Robert Fayrfax)Salve ReginaRobert Fayrfax2023-11-22 10:33:48

Table: files

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