Table: editions

28913Alan Knight2013-04-282013-04-28Cornish text is a transliteration of the "Lyver Pysadow" (Prayer Book) text, authorised for use in Cornish language services, into the 'Standard written form' of the language. The lesser litany ("Lord have mercy upon us …") and Lord's prayer are not set and should be said.88155Preces and Responses (Cornish) (Alan Knight)Preces and Responses (Cornish)Alan Knight2023-09-16 09:00:38

Table: files

28913.2Knight-Cornish_Responses.mxl28913internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:00:38
28913.1Knight-Cornish_Responses.pdf28913internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 50CPDLA432023-09-16 09:00:38