Table: editions

28096Benjamin Stone2013-01-202013-01-20Section XXIV - ''Plorate filii Israel''. Performing edition prepared from the manuscript copy by Marc-Antoine Charpentier in the Bibliothèque National de France. Modern clefs. A simple realization of the Continuo part is provided for those accompanists who cannot play from figured bass. May be copied and used freely for all non-profit uses. The editor requests that if the edition is used in for-profit performance or for scholarly work that permission be requested.34045Historia di Jephte (Giacomo Carissimi)Historia di JephteGiacomo Carissimi2023-09-16 07:46:07

Table: files

28096.2Carissimi_Plorate_filii_Israel.mxl28096internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:46:07
28096.1Carissimi_Plorate_filii_Israel.pdf28096internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 434PersonalLetter102023-09-16 07:46:07