Table: editions

26681Kurt Pages2012-07-042012-07-04The values of the notes (4/2 and 3/1) of the original printing were kept; the notes are transposed down a fourth according to rules of chiavette transposition. Because the pitch at Hassler's time was a semitone probably a whole tone higher than the modern pitch (a' = 440 Hz), the mass should be sung a cappella a whole tone higher. This edition is above all for an accompaniment with e. g. historic brass instruments (cornett for the Cantus, trombones for Altus, Tenor and Bassus). An edition down a third appears simultaneously to this edition (CPDL #26683). – Last corrections: 2012-08-17.53585Missa Octava (Hans Leo Hassler)Missa OctavaHans Leo Hassler2023-09-16 08:41:12

Table: files

26681.3Missa_octo_vocum_G.mus26681internalsourcesource2Finale{{Mus}}(Finale 2011)2023-09-16 08:41:12
26681.1Missa_octo_vocum_G.pdf26681internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 503PersonalA4432023-09-16 08:41:12
26681.2Missa_octo_vocum_G.mxl26681internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:41:12