Table: editions

26187Charles H. Giffen2012-05-162012-05-16The MP3 sound file gives the Antiphon with first ending (before verses), the two-part Psalm tone, then repeats the Antiphon with the final ending. Music copyright by the composer for CPDL, may be freely copied, distributed, performed, or recorded. Please [[Talk:Charles H. Giffen|inform the composer]] of any performances or recordings of this work. Minor revision uploaded 2016-04-19. Reformatted version (3 pages) uploaded 2017-05-29.76746Psallite Domino (Charles H. Giffen)Psallite DominoCharles H. Giffen2023-09-16 08:28:43

Table: files

26187.3Giffen-Psallite_Domino.mxl26187internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:28:43
26187.2Giffen-Psallite_Domino.mp326187internalsoundsoundmp3{{Mp3}} 2023-09-16 08:28:43
26187.1Giffen-Psallite_Domino.pdf26187internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 123PersonalLetter32023-09-16 08:28:43