Table: editions

26166David Millard2012-05-122012-05-12Original key and time signatures have been retained. Conjectural string parts have been added in the choruses based on Purcell's practices as evidenced in his other odes and concerted anthems. Instrumental parts are [[zipped]] into a single file.76640Welcome to all the pleasures, Z 339 (Henry Purcell)Welcome to all the pleasures, Z 339Henry Purcell2023-09-16 09:58:00

Table: files

26166.2Purc-cec-ode-1683.mid26166internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 09:58:00
26166.1Purc-cec-ode-1683.pdf26166internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 457PersonalLetter442023-09-16 09:58:00