Table: editions

25609Edmund Gooch2012-02-202012-02-20The first verse and chorus only are underlaid in the source: the four subsequent verses are printed after the music, in each case followed by 'Cho.' to indicate that the chorus should be sung after each verse. Notes printed in the source as small grace notes have been written out editorially. The alto part is printed in the source in the treble clef, an octave above sounding pitch.74302As shepherds watched their fleecy care (Joseph Key)As shepherds watched their fleecy careJoseph Key2023-09-16 08:58:35

Table: files

25609.3KeyJ-AsShepherds.mxl25609internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:58:35
25609.2KeyJ-AsShepherds.mid25609internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 08:58:35
25609.1KeyJ-AsShepherds.pdf25609internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 59Public DomainA422023-09-16 08:58:35
25609.4KeyJ-AsShepherds.sib25609internalsourcesource2Sibelius{{Sib}}(Sibelius 7)2023-09-16 08:58:35