Table: editions

24120John Hetland2011-08-082011-08-08Notation is a tone higher than original. Text underlay, ''musica ficta'' and translation by John Hetland and The Renaisance Street Singers. Thanks to Dr. Paul Pascal for help with the Latin. Emendations: m. 32 ''Costo'' for ''Coste;'' mm. 42-49 ''passa'' for ''passam;'' m. 47 bass 1st note up M2; mm. 50-52 ''sanctam'' for ''sancta;'' mm. 62-63 ''dulce'' for ''dulces;'' m. 142 alto 1st note up m2; m. 173 alto up M3; mm. 173-178 after ''sanitatem'' deleted ''cor.''68309Gaude prole regia/Sancta Catherina (Loyset Compère)Gaude prole regia/Sancta CatherinaLoyset Compère2024-03-25 10:52:23

Table: files

24120.1Comp-gau.pdf24120internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 537CPDLLetter132024-03-25 10:52:23
24120.2Comp-gau.MID24120internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2024-03-25 10:52:23
24120.3Comp-gau.mxl24120internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2024-03-25 10:52:23