Table: editions

23327Charles H. Giffen2011-04-022011-04-02Original key and note values, this performing edition accords with the work as originally published in 1597, but also includes annotations for the later score published as an appendix to the 1771 reprinting of the original source by William Randall. {{KbdRed}} Copyright by the composer for CPDL, may be freely copied, distributed, performed, or recorded.3616Agnus Dei (Thomas Morley)Agnus DeiThomas Morley2023-09-16 09:32:56

Table: files

23327.3Morley-Agnus_Dei.mxl23327internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:32:56
23327.2Morley-Agnus_Dei.mp323327internalsoundsoundmp3{{Mp3}} 2023-09-16 09:32:56
23327.1Morley-Agnus_Dei.pdf23327internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 121PersonalLetter42023-09-16 09:32:56