Table: editions

23120Daniel Clark2011-02-112011-05-25Scanned score. Editorial Method: The incipit, which comes before the first measure, indicates original clefs, mensural signature, note values, the first pitch (preceded by any rests) and the original mode for the hymn. Musica ficta is placed above the notes and courtesy accidentals are in parentheses within the music. A solid line bracket indicates ligatures and a dotted line bracket shows coloration. Any text underlay by the editor is in parentheses and stressed syllables are in bold text.66252Pange lingua II (Anonymous)Pange lingua IIAnonymous2023-09-16 07:06:45

Table: files

23120.2Pange_Lingua.mid23120internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:06:45
23120.1Pange_Lingua.pdf23120internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 156PersonalLetter72023-09-16 07:06:45