Table: editions

22556Philip Legge2010-10-302010-10-30Full score, all eight SATBarB choirs, 40 staves per page. A4 format, but should be printed or enlarged to A3 format. Individual parts also available below. Minor revision posted on 8 April 2006 to fix two errata: missing underlay in Alto 6 in bars 74-76, and a breve rest mistakenly left as a semibreve in Tenor 1 in bar 110. Subsequent major revision posted on 15 February 2008, adding bibliography and commentary, expanding editorial notes, and correcting one more manuscript error: bar 75, Alto 2, last note should be c', not d'.14259Spem in alium (Thomas Tallis)Spem in aliumThomas Tallis2023-09-16 10:32:20

Table: files

22556.1Spem_in_alium,_full_score_in_A.pdf22556internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 664PersonalA4232023-09-16 10:32:20