Table: editions

21952Gerd Eichler2010-07-112010-07-11Although the source is not written for double choir this score's layout is made for two separate choirs. This piece is written for a choir that usually perfoms from the choir stalls and therefore has a double choir line-up. Many sections of this motet also suggest a double choir performance. '''Last revised:''' 2011-11-30.58510Vox dicentis clama (Edward Woodall Naylor)Vox dicentis clamaEdward Woodall Naylor2024-03-05 02:50:35

Table: files

21952.4Naylor_VoxDicentis.capx21952internalsourcesource2Capella{{Capx}} 2024-03-05 02:50:36
21952.3Naylor_VoxDicentis.mxl21952internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2024-03-05 02:50:36
21952.2Naylor_VoxDicentis.mid21952internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2024-03-05 02:50:36
21952.1Naylor_VoxDicentis.pdf21952internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 194CPDLA4132024-03-05 02:50:36