Table: editions

21618Jonathan Goodliffe2010-05-192010-05-19from the [[Música Colonial Archive]]. Double dotted crotchets followed by semi-quavers have replaced some single dotted crotchets followed by quavers in the recitative passages. This avoids clashes with the voice part. E flat replaced by D in continuo bar 22. A replaced by G in second violin bar 27. Bar 71 second violin part is missing and has been reconstructed. The cover page of the manuscript describes this work as “Cantada al Santísimo con violines y oboe” although the first page of the manuscript, in a different hand, indicates “Cantada a voz sola con violines”. It may have been intended that the oboe part should be played in unison with the first violin, except when the voice is singing, as in Torres’ cantatas “Pues a sus luces bellas” and “Tierno embozado amante”. An oboe part has been reconstructed on this basis.55326Afectos amantes (José de Torres)Afectos amantesJosé de Torres2023-09-16 10:35:40

Table: files

21618.3Tor-afe.mxl21618internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 10:35:40
21618.2Tor-afe.mid21618internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 10:35:40
21618.1Tor-afe.pdf21618internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 166CPDLA4242023-09-16 10:35:40
21618.4Tor-afe.sib21618internalsourcesource2Sibelius{{Sib}}(Sibelius 5)2023-09-16 10:35:40