Table: editions

20570Carlos Augusto Mourão2009-12-012009-12-01based on an edition transcribed by J. B. Weckerlin in his work ''Bibliothèque du Conservatoire National de Musique et de Déclamation'' (1885). I would like to thank very much {{User|Juliane Claudi|Juliane}}, {{User|Robert Urmann|Robert}} and {{User|Christophero Manco|Christopher}} for their thoughtful suggestions in the translation of the text to English.49819O Jesu Christ, mein Herr und Gott (Adam Gumpelzhaimer)O Jesu Christ, mein Herr und GottAdam Gumpelzhaimer2023-09-16 08:37:02

Table: files

20570.2Gumpelzhaimer-OJesu-a3.mid20570internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 08:37:02
20570.1Gumpelzhaimer-OJesu-a3.pdf20570internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 77CPDLA422023-09-16 08:37:02