Table: editions

20481John Martin2009-11-112009-11-15This edition has modern clefs and is in the original key. Traditional barlines have been left out in lieu of small tick marks in order to facilitate a more historically accurate reading while still giving the modern singer a metric reference. Ties between measures have been eliminated. If a note is held over a barline, its full value is placed in the preceding measure (See Choir III mm. 6 - 7 for example).8491Magnificat a 12 (Andrea Gabrieli)Magnificat a 12Andrea Gabrieli2023-09-16 08:21:05

Table: files

20481.1Magnificat_à_12_(Modern_Clefs,_Original_Key).pdf20481internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 180PersonalLetter162023-09-16 08:21:05