Table: editions

18974Jonathan Goodliffe2009-03-012009-03-01Revision [2011-04-14] Included in the "Esemplare ossia saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto sopra il canto fermo" (1774) by Giovanni Battista Martini [1706-1784]. Martini describes the piece as "Estratto dal primo libro de Magnificat a 4. [sic] voci". This work is also included in “A General History of Music” by Charles Burney who indicates that it is from the "second book of Magnificats". The first book of four part Magnificats is the only one listed in the catalogue of Ponti’s works in Grove’s dictionary, where it is described as “lost”. In the Burney version the G in the first alto part bar 10 is changed to A. Burney also sharpens the Fs in the soprano part, bar 30.39670Sicut erat in principio (Pietro Pontio)Sicut erat in principioPietro Pontio2023-09-16 09:53:54

Table: files

18974.4Pon-sic.sib18974internalsourcesource2Sibelius{{Sib}}(Sibelius 5)2023-09-16 09:53:54
18974.3Pon-sic.mxl18974internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:53:54
18974.2Pon-sic.mid18974internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 09:53:54
18974.1Pon-sic.pdf18974internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 35CPDLA442023-09-16 09:53:54