Table: editions

15919Kurt Pages2008-02-062008-02-06Reduction of the semibreves (whole notes) etc. of the original printing from 1611 to minims (half notes) etc. Repetenda I and II are written out to avoid leafing back. With added German translation by the editor9231Plange quasi virgo (Carlo Gesualdo)Plange quasi virgoCarlo Gesualdo2023-09-16 08:26:37

Table: files

15919.2Gesualdo_plange.MUS15919internalsourcesourceFinale 2014{{F14}}(Finale 2014)2023-09-16 08:26:37
15919.1Gesualdo_Plange.pdf15919internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 424PersonalA492023-09-16 08:26:37