Table: editions

15850Peter Kaplan2008-01-272008-01-27Transcribed via dictation from ECM (1995) recording. Key signature, time signature, and staff notation modernized. Time signature kept constant. Dynamics and other interpretation left unmarked except in a single case (see music notation file for details). Original Latin underlay. Translation available upon request. '''Since this is a dictation edition, errors are not only possible but altogether likely. Please contact the editor directly to report any possible errors or disparities.'''30202Congaudemus pariter - En lux immensa (Anonymous)Congaudemus pariter - En lux immensaAnonymous2023-09-16 07:02:34

Table: files

15850.1FINAL_5_congaudemus_pariter.pdf15850internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 164CPDLLetter12023-09-16 07:02:34
15850.2FINAL_5_congaudemus.ly15850internalsourcesourceLilyPond{{Ly}} 2023-09-16 07:02:34