Table: editions

13238Jonathan Goodliffe2006-12-112006-12-11Spanish spelling and accentuation modernised, apart from "comprehender" which seems to have been 4 syllables in the early 18th Century. Punctuation added. Bar 9, voice, fourth and fifth notes changed from quavers (eight notes) to semi-quavers to fit all notes into the bar. Bar 15, first violin part, third note (C) sharpened. Bar 17, in voice part 18th Century Spanish notation convention reads third C as natural, but probably intended to be sharp. Value of first 4 notes in bar 20 voice part illegible in the facsimile, so guessed at. Fermatas at bar 25 suggest Da Capo al segno to that point. Bar 44 continuo, first note (D) rendered natural. Final bar, second violin part, pitch of first 2 notes illegible so guessed at.24814Mas ay de mí (Francisco Valls)Mas ay de míFrancisco Valls2023-09-16 10:43:11

Table: files

13238.4Valls-mas.sib13238internalsourcesource2Sibelius{{Sib}}(Sibelius 2)2023-09-16 10:43:12
13238.3Valls-mas.mxl13238internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 10:43:12
13238.2Valls-mas.mid13238internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 10:43:12
13238.1Valls-mas.pdf13238internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 79CPDLA462023-09-16 10:43:12