Table: editions

354Christopher Braginetz1999-10-251999-10-25A copy of the edition by E. H. Fellowes published by OUP in 1935 and included in OUP's ''A Sixteenth-Century Anthem Book'' (1960). The Soprano part, which is now missing, was recomposed by Fellowes. Fellowes chose to ignore the original music for verse 3 (i.e. from 'O Father, through thy blessed Son' onwwards), preferring instead to repeat the music of verse 2. A revised edition, re-transcribed from the original source and using all the original music, was published by OUP in 1991.10560O Lord, the maker of all thing (Anonymous)O Lord, the maker of all thingAnonymous2023-11-29 17:05:42

Table: files

354.1Ws-anon-olo.pdf354internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 160CPDLLetter32023-11-29 17:05:42
354.2Anon-olo.mid354internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-11-29 17:05:42